News Archiv for July 2024
Lichtwerk nutzt Robe-Scheinwerfer für CollectiveFour auf Berliner Fashion Week
24/07/2024 - Rental News
Die Berlin Fashion Week bzw. Berliner Modewoche ist eine seit 2007 zweimal jährlich stattfindende, rund eine Woche andauernde Veranstaltungsreihe in Berlin. Während der Modewoche werden Modenschauen, Messen, Ausstellungen, Installationen und Konferenzen für Fachpublikum und Öffentlichkeit abgehalten. Bereits zum dritten Mal fand das größte Event im Rahmen der Berlin Fashion Week in der Uber Eats Music Hall in Berlin statt.
LSC Control Systems welcomes Controllux to sales network
24/07/2024 - Business News
LSC Control Systems has announced the appointment of Controllux as its new exclusive distribution partner for the Benelux region (Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg). The Australian manufacturer, which was acquired by Czech Republic-based Robe earlier this year, has been designing and manufacturing lighting and power control solutions for more than four decades.
Sound system at Palace Bar Miami equipped with Powersoft X4, Duecanali and Quattrocanali amplifiers
24/07/2024 - Installationen News
Located in the heart of Ocean Drive in Miami’s South Beach, Florida, the Palace Bar, renowned for its iconic status within the LGBTQ+ community, has been serving up dining experiences for more than three decades. Recently, it went through a complete overhaul of its sound system throughout the whole venue, featuring fourteen Powersoft amplifiers.
Samsung belegt weiterhin Spitzenplatz auf globalem Digital-Signage-Markt
24/07/2024 - Business News
Samsung Electronics wurde vom Marktforschungsunternehmen Omdia erneut zur Nr. 1 der Signage-Hersteller ernannt. Samsung hält damit seit nunmehr fünfzehn aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren die Pole Position auf dem globalen Digital-Signage-Markt.
Andreas Obermayer
24/07/2024 - Leute News
Andreas Obermayer hat sich dem Vertriebs-Team Süd von Lightware Deutschland angeschlossen. Obermayer, gelernter Elektriker und zertifizierter Tandberg und Cisco Video Field Engineer, ist ein erfahrener Fachmann in der Audio-, Video- und Veranstaltungstechnik.
ClearOne veröffentlicht Q-Sys Designer Plug-In für BMA 360D
24/07/2024 - Equipment News
Das neue Q-Sys Designer Plug-In von ClearOne ermöglicht eine nahtlose Integration mit dem BMA-360D-Beamforming-Mikrofon-Array. Das Plug-In vereinfacht das Systemdesign und befähigt Integratoren, das BMA 360D mit Software- und Hardware-Technologie anderer Unternehmen zu kombinieren.
Secon 2025 im Februar in Nauen
23/07/2024 - Termine News
Die Sustainable Events Conference (Secon) rund um Nachhaltigkeit in der deutschsprachigen Veranstaltungswelt findet am 24. und 25. Februar 2025 statt. Inhaltliches Herzstück der Secon ist die sogenannte „Twin Transformation“ aus Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit. Als Austragungsort wählten die Veranstalter - das German Convention Bureau (GCB) und der Europäische Verband der Veranstaltungs-Centren (EVVC) - das Landgut Stober im brandenburgischen Nauen bei Berlin.
Verleihung des „Applaus“-Awards im November in Rostock
23/07/2024 - Termine News
Am 20. November 2024 wird Kulturstaatsministerin Claudia Roth den „Applaus“-Award zum elften Mal verleihen. Die Auszeichnungen in insgesamt sechs Kategorien, die mit Preisgeldern in Höhe von rund 1,6 Millionen Euro verbunden sind, werden erstmals in Rostock vergeben.
Brompton Technology supports Singapore’s X3D Studio
23/07/2024 - Installationen News
Officially launched in June 2024, X3D Studio is an ICVFX virtual production stage and one of the largest facilities of its kind in Southeast Asia. The multipurpose studio is housed in the historic site of Singapore’s old power station and features Brompton Technology LED processing.
LM Lighting ups audio capabilities with new Sennheiser EW-DX Dante System
23/07/2024 - Business News
Theatrical technical services provider LM Lighting has upgraded its audio equipment line-up with the latest Sennheiser EW-DX Dante system to better meet the growing demands of its clients. “I chose the EW-DX Dante gear because we needed to increase our current offerings”, says Luke Marino, the owner of LM Lighting, pointing out that the EW-DX EM4 features Dante, built-in antenna distribution, and a unit PSU, “while also being highly scalable”.
Alicia Keys partners with Native Instruments to transform her CP-70 into a virtual instrument
23/07/2024 - Equipment News
Native Instruments and singer-songwriter Alicia Keys have joined forces to introduce a new virtual instrument: Alicia’s Electric Keys. Featuring the sound of Keys’ personal CP-70 electric grand piano, Alicia’s Electric Keys aims to be “a gateway to new realms of creativity”.
Showlight 2025 invites exhibitors
23/07/2024 - Termine News
Showlight 2025 has sparked excitement from the get go. The Papers Committee are meeting to discuss the first raft of Papers submissions for the central programme, the first Sponsors are already signed up and visible on the Showlight website, and sixty percent of the exhibition spaces have already been sold. Showlight 2025 will be held from May 19-22 in Dijon, France.
AED invests in ROE Visual’s Vanish 4ST series
23/07/2024 - Business News
AED has invested significantly in ROE Visual’s Outdoor LED series Vanish 4ST, acquiring 500 square meters of this solution. “ROE Visual is pleased to continue its longstanding business relationship with AED through this investment”, comments Sam Swerts, Business Development at ROE Visual.
Robe moving lights chosen for Karta Svitu concert at Kyiv’s Bel Etage
23/07/2024 - Rental News
Ukrainian rock band Karta Svitu launched their new album with a showcase gig at the Bel Etage venue in Kyiv, Ukraine, which was recorded for subsequent broadcast. The show was directed by Mari Pogrebynska and Pavlo Zakrevskyi and included lighting designed by Anton Semeniuk who utilised 32 Robe Spikie moving lights, six ColorWash 575s and a BMFL Follow Spot controlled via a RoboSpot system, among other lights, all supplied by Ukrainian rental company Alight.
Tube UK supplies sound system for Chew’s Yard in Preston
23/07/2024 - Installationen News
Audio specialist Tube UK has supplied a dynamic distributed sound system comprising D&B, Outline, Tannoy and Martin Audio speakers with a Yamaha MRX7-D audio matrix router at its heart for the new Chew’s Yard social, creative and entertainment space in Preston, UK.
Anima Network appoints ECM as Green-Go distributor for Switzerland
23/07/2024 - Business News
The Netherlands-based comms brand Green-Go has announced the appointment of Electric Claudio Merlo Lighting Equipment S.A. (ECM S.A.) as its new exclusive distributor for Switzerland. With this development, which follows the appointment last year of ECM S.A. as the Swiss distributor for Green-Go’s sister-brand ELC, both brands from ELC Lighting have now joined the sales portfolio of ECM S.A.
Nugen Audio plug-ins boost workflow for Nashville-based engineer Webster Tileston
23/07/2024 - Installationen News
Tracking and Mix Engineer Webster Tileston thrives when lending his expertise to the creative process - whether tracking in some of Nashville’s premiere recording studios, mixing at his own studio Axis Audio, system engineering or training personnel.